Director/Chief Executive Officer

Serumu Igberadja is the President Elect of the International Vocational Education and Training Association (IVETA) USA, former Vice President of IVETA East and West Africa, and the CEO of Think TVET Global Consult. He is a youth leader and a community development advocate from Sapele, Nigeria.
Serumu Igberadja has special interest in good governance, non-violence, community development, quality education, vocational skills development, sustainable livelihood, and economic development. He is an Alumnus of Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria with B.Sc (Ed) and M.Sc in Technical Education and Industrial Technology respectively. As well, Igberadja Serumu is an Alumnus of the Prestigious International Visitors Leadership Program (IVLP) of the United States Department of State Bureau for Educational and Cultural Affairs.
He has an interest in contributing his expertise to the growth and development of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) for sustainable development across the globe. He is a member of the UNESCO UNEVOC Forum and Skillman International Forum (SIF) Italy. As well, an Assistant Journalist in the Lucubrate Magazine and the Coordinator for the Lucubrate Project Nigeria.
Serumu Igberadja has facilitated several workshops, conferences, and partnerships to promote and advance TVET for sustainable livelihood and development. Notable partnerships were Lucubrate NKB Norway and University of Nigeria Nsukka(UNN), IVETA and National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), IVETA and UNN UNEVOC Centre, IVETA and Ese Odo Local Government Council, and Linkages with TVET Equipment Manufacturers in Europe, Asia, and America such as Delorenzo Italy, Labtech International, Tesca India, Lucas-Nülle Germany, Lexsolar Germany, and Edibon Spain.
He has featured as Keynote Speaker in several TVET and Youth Development Workshops and Conferences, his recent outing was his participation as Moderator for ‘Socio Professional Integration in TVET’ at the 2022 WorldSkills Africa Conference held at Swakopmund Namibia organised by the Namibia Training Authority, Keynote Speaker at the 2022 IVETA Las Vegas Conference, and the US Africa Institute side event of the 2023 US Africa Leaders’ Summit Washington DC.