Advisory Board Member

Helping leaders identify and implement new ways to achieve their professional goals and successfully transform their institutions.
After a rewarding career in executive leadership, Julie is now focused on working with other academic leaders to address the significant issues facing higher education today. She has coached numerous department chairs and deans to successfully manage the challenges associated with the transition into executive leadership roles. Over the past 35 years, Dr. Furst-Bowe has held a series of positions with increasing levels of responsibility, including Department Chair, Associate Vice Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, and Chancellor. At each institution she has served, Julie has been a leader in facilitating change, implementing innovative new programs, and developing high performing teams of deans and directors. Julie’s approach is to blend a successful track-record of higher education leadership with a number of engagement techniques, including advising, coaching and mentoring. She strives to provide customized strategies, tools and resources to support each individual she coaches.
Currently, Julie serves as a consultant, an interim administrator and a team chair with the Higher Learning Commission. She has worked with institutions in a number of areas, including leadership development, strategic planning, organizational restructuring, program prioritization, enrollment management, resource reallocation, accreditation, and student success. She has held a variety of leadership appointments including Chancellor at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Stout, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Chippewa Valley Technical College and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Arkansas Tech University.
Julie is also an internationally recognized speaker, consultant and writer on the topic of performance excellence in higher education. She holds a doctorate in education and a certification in human resource development from the University of Minnesota.